The Brown Leghorn is another great layer of white shell eggs. As chicks they are very active and the adults can be skittish, even on a small scale with personal attention. The Brown Leghorn is more flighty and skittish than the White Leghorn, at least on our farms. They are a brown and black striped color as chicks, looking similar to a chipmunk. Leghorns tend to mature quickly, but are not necessarily a good choice for meat since they are a lighter breed. The Brown Leghorn will exhibit similar laying capabilities as the White Leghorn. Due to the unique color of the Brown Leghorn, they are more suited for free ranging than the White Leghorn being that they are not solid white and less prone to predators. You can expect 290+ white shell eggs per hen each year from the Brown Leghorns.
Valley Farms Hatchery has selectively bred the Brown Leghorn since 2024.